VH-BNS after crash
VH-BNS after crash
ID Plate

Type: Avro 652A Anson Mk 1
MSN: Nil
Previous Identities: W1587


  Built by A.V. Roe & Co Ltd at Newton Heath for the RAF as W1587. Delivered to Australia for the Empire Air Training Scheme.
03DEC40 Taken on charge by the RAAF as W1587. Received at No 2 Aircraft Park, Bankstown, NSW same day.
22DEC40 Received at No 1 Aircraft Depot, Laverton, Vic ex 2AP.
23JAN41 Received at No 1 Air Navigation School, Parkes, NSW ex 1AD.
23FEB42 Received at No 8 Service Flying Training School, Bundaberg, Qld ex 1ANS.
20SEP43 Forced landing during a night exercise at Bundaberg.
04OCT43 Issued to Aircrafts Pty Ltd, Archerfield, Qld ex 8SFTS.
29JUN44 Issued to No 3 Aircraft Depot, Amberley, Qld ex APL, Archerfield.
22JUL44 Received at 8SFTS, Bundaberg ex 3AD.
06JUL45 Received at Care and Maintenance Unit, Evans Head, NSW ex 88OBU, Bundaberg.
28FEB46 Received at RAAF Station Maryborough, Qld for storage ex Evans Head.
02JAN47 Sold by Commonwealth Disposals Commission to Cairns Flying School, Cairns, Qld.
10JAN47 Issued to purchaser.
47 Ferried from Maryborough to Cairns.
JUN47 W1587 is being used to supply spare parts for the Cairns Flying School's other Anson VH-BBC.
AUG47 G.K. Bolton sold the unconverted W1587 to Australian Air Traders of Sydney and the aircraft was subsequently ferried to Bankstown.
47 Change of ownership to Australian Air Traders, trading as Guinea Air Traders.
29MAY50 Registration application from Airflite (Training) Pty Ltd, Bankstown, NSW.
09NOV50 Added to the Register as VH-BNS. Airflite advise DCA that they are registering the aircraft for resale purposes only and they will not be operating the aircraft.
29JAN53 Change of ownership to Adastra Airways, Mascot.
03APR53 Crashed on take-off at Moorabbin when the starboard engine failed at a height of 20 feet. The aircraft struck a ditch, crossed a road on the northern perimeter of the aerodrome and came to rest on its belly in a paddock. The aircraft was written off.
02JUN54 Struck off the Register.

Issue Date Remarks
1 23FEB03
Original Issue. Thanks to Geoff Goodall.

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