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24th September 1965


Few changes in aircraft and crew situations since last bulletin. This News-Sheet will be of interest mainly in detailing the contracts coming up.
AGA Katherine on 20 chain work.
We have landed a nice mapping job for Swiss Aluminium over their lease in Arnhem Land.
Bruce will be tackling the photography for this shortly, based at Gove. Following the work in the Northern Territory the aircraft will be making its annual pilgrimage South for the Vic. Lands contract.
AGE Darwin and Wyndham.
Still flying long hours - in fact the aircraft looks like being grounded shortly due to the crew reaching their flying time limit for the month. All equipment has been going well and the client has reported favourably on the results.
AGE has a small Aeromag job out of Daly Waters at the end of this present contract. After this, back to base for refit and standby in Sydney with the possibility of New Guinea late in the year.
AGS Mt. Hagen.
This crew also putting in a lot of flying time although technical troubles have held up the Aerodist work. At the end of the contract early in November, it is planned to fly the aircraft to Horn Island and change crews there per Mr. Ansett. AGS will then refit with the RC.9 and take over the photographic contract for the southern section of New Guinea, basing at Horn Island.
Bevin Jubow resigned several weeks back. His place as navigator in the crew has been taken by Dave Barry. Dave holds a commercial licence and is cutting his teeth on survey navigation under Keith Cooper's guidance.
AGU Carnarvon.
Still a few weeks work left here although the end is in sight. Next contract for the DC-3 looks like being New Caledonia, working offshore Aeromag again. We are still negotiating the flying details of the work and this will be sorted out next week. Navigation will be by Doppler.
The aircraft will be brought to the I.F. configuration in Sydney before leaving.
Parlez Vous Francais?
AGX Mackay.
Cloudy conditions still hampering progress on the A.P.R. work though we are hoping that a few more weeks should see the job finished.
This aircraft is scheduled for New Guinea work - combined A.P.R. and RC.9 based either Mt. Hagen or Wewak.
SMM Sydney.
Covering local photography.
Wal Bowles stood in as pilot during part of Ken Rowlands leave, but unfortunately we couldn't entice him back full time.
SMM will move south probably in December to tackle RC.9 work in Victoria, and later the Tasmanian Lands Programme.
Pending Contracts

Attached is a list showing aircraft and proposed crews against the contracts to be flown from November on.

As you will see from the starting dates, in some cases we have only the remainder of Sept., and the month of October to complete current contracts, return to base, arrange stand downs and refit for the new programme.

It will be in the interests of us all to redouble our efforts in the next few weeks to achieve an early finish to these present contracts. I ask each of you to consider carefully what personal action can be taken towards this end. In particular pay attention to the small, but often important details relating to the equipment or materials in your care.

New Guinea Work

The fact that we are assigning three Hudsons to New Guinea will give some indication of the importance attached to this sphere by the Federal Gov't. for whom we are doing the flying.

In addition, the fact that, as the only organisation in Australia capable of mounting this effort we have been entrusted with a job of high national significance is no small source of pride to us all.

However, without being cynical in any way, we also realise that the material well-being of the field crews will play just as big a part in successful operations there as lofty aspirations.

To this end the following conditions will apply to the New Guinea project.

1. The operation will be for 17 weeks (except the third aircraft which will be for 13 weeks).
2. A bonus will be paid on work completed. Details of this bonus will be given shortly.
3. All personnel engaged are assured of three weeks clear stand down at the end of the tour.
4. L/A allowance will be paid as follows.
Married personnel £5 a day.
Single personnel £4 a day.
5. It is hoped that before departure from Sy. suitable accommodation will have been arranged at the selected bases.
6. Married personnel who wish to take their families are asked to let me know as early as possible.

News from Mascot

Ken Rowlands has resigned to take a position with Helicopter Utilities. We are hopeful of having a replacement Hudson captain shortly.

Jack Mac. on leave.

This document was contributed by Bill Mitchell.

It is ironic that this document, which is dated 24th September 1965, should record the resignation of Ken Rowlands, for exactly one year later to the day he would be lost in the crash of Hudson VH-AGE at Tennant Creek.